Note: This version of the Drought Impact Reporter is being phased out. Please update your bookmarks to

National Drought Mitigation Center
NDMC Drought Impact Reporter

Drought Impact Reporter Help

The help documentation is broken into three sections each covering a major portion of the Drought Impact Reporter. Use the links below to navigate through each section.


Learn more about how to use the Drought Impact Reporter by watching the tutorial.

Impacts and Reports


An overview of the definition of a report and an impact.

Types of Reports

Explanation of the types of reports available in the Drought Impact Reporter.


description of information contained in an impact.

Accessing Report and Impact Detail

How to access detailed information for reports and impacts.


Using the Map

How to use the map tool to display impact and report information by location.

Using the Legend

An explanation of the various mapping options and how to use them.


A description of overlay layers available in the mapping tool.

Advanced Search

Using the Search

How to use the search tools for reports and impacts.

Source Type

An explanation of the different source types of reports.

Viewing Results

How to view the results of each search.